Founders Relocate to Atlanta

The GreenTree Project was originally the idea of 7-year-old Madison Nichols after seeing the pain that her family experienced. She wanted to “start a company to help people get the help they need – even if they can’t pay for it.” So, with the help of my mom and dad, she launched The GreenTree Project in 2015. The work of The GreenTree Project is all about helping, supporting, and serving the next generation of leaders.
In October 2015, the Nichols family relocated from Dallas, Texas to Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta is home to the world’s busiest airport which allows more people to easily access the nonprofit’s retreat center, The Retreat at Guidestone Hills. The Retreat is located just 20 miles from Atlanta Airport and is a strategic initiative of the charity funds leader development programs for children, students, non-profit, and ministry leaders.
With direct flight to 225 cities, the move streamlines travel for the GreenTree team both within the US and around the world.